Plans to improve Lorne's iconic nature reserve

Queens Park Reserve Master Plan

The Great Ocean Road Coast Committee has been working closely with the Friends of Queens Park to upgrade tracks and signage in the park. Feedback was sought earlier in 2017 for the proposed track routes, names and the new visual style and logos for the park.

The park has a unique character resulting from its dense forest, steep slopes and spectacular sea views. Its main visitor sites are the caravan park and Teddy’s Lookout, a recreation site on the southern end of the park’s central ridge.

The breathtaking scenery of the Great Ocean Road at Teddys Lookout

Queens Park’s natural and scenic values combined with proximity to town make it one of Lorne’s most accessible and rewarding bushwalking precincts – a role the park has fulfilled for over a century.

Media Releases

12 September 2016 | Have your say on new tracks and signs at Queens Park

Project Documentation

Queens Park Reserve Master Plan | 2015 – 2020

Fast Sheet | Queens Park

Concept Design | Queens Park signage


Great Ocean Road Coast Committee

On 1 December 2020 GORCC transitioned to the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority. Please visit: