Experience conservation and volunteering

Experience conservation and volunteering

As an active coastal land manager, Great Ocean Road Coast’s education activities combine theory with practical activities to foster a deeper appreciation for the coastal environment.

Our education team believes it is important to teach students about the environment they are entering before starting the hands-on activities. This is to ensure students understand the environmental significance of the area and work to protect the ecosystems. This is proven to be a winning combination for primary and secondary students and helps everyone understand the significance their actions will have on the area.


  • Removal of invasive weed species
  • Indigenous species planting (seasonal)
  • Beach clean-up
  • Learn about the risk of invasive weed species on the natural environment


  • Mulching newly revegetated sites
  • Installing brush matting for weed prevention
  • Revegetate sites with indigenous plants
  • Woody weed removal
  • Vegetation monitoring and scientific monitoring
  • Native wildlife protection and Hooded Plover monitoring
  • Understand the environmental weeds threat to indigenous flora and the impact on the natural environment

All conservation activities are connected to ‘real life’ conservation areas on the Surf Coast and sites are selected and coordinated by the Conservation Supervisor and the Education Leader in accordance to each group needs and preferences.

All tools and required personal protective equipment is provided – safety is top priority.

The ‘Experience Conservation and Volunteering’ aspect of the education program is popular with schools running vocational training courses in their school. The activities satisfy a number of learning outcomes.

Great Ocean Road Coast Committee

On 1 December 2020 GORCC transitioned to the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority. Please visit: www.greatoceanroadauthority.vic.gov.au.