Community consultation this Easter

Community consultation this Easter

Consultation has now closed for the Anglesea Family Caravan Park and Taylor Park Draft Master Plans

The Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC) consulted on the Anglesea Family Caravan Park and Taylor Park Draft Master Plans over Easter 2019. Four community consultation sessions were held across Torquay and Anglesea.

The draft master plans were informed by feedback from community and stakeholder consultation conducted over summer 2018/19 and in response to increased visitation pressure to the Great Ocean Road.

Feedback was strong during the initial consultation round for both projects, with key themes including the need for the character and natural environment of both parks be protected and enhanced, and requests for upgraded facilities.

To view the draft plans, please visit:

GORCC value community input and recognise that local knowledge is critical to the future management of both parks. Feedback received on each draft plan will be considered in the development of the final master plans.

Great Ocean Road Coast Committee

On 1 December 2020 GORCC transitioned to the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority. Please visit: